3 Easy Ways to Eat More Fruit & Vegetables

The Netherlands along with the UK recommend that we should eat at least 5 portions of vegetables and fruit per day. Interestingly, France recommends 10 portions!

Why should we eat so many veggies and fruits? Both fruit and vegetables contain plenty fibre and nutrients. Fibre is essential for our gut health, ensuring regular bowel movements and keep you feeling fuller longer. Fruit and vegetables also provide lots of nutrients to support our immune system. A study by the Imperial College London (2017) found that eating 10 portions of fruit and vegetables could prevent up to 7.8 million deaths every year worldwide and could reduce your risk of reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease and stroke.

It’s good to eat colourful fruits and vegetables every day; think green, orange, purple, red and yellow – blueberries, broccoli, celery, citrus fruits, spinach, pumpkin, green beans, peppers etc. Although fruits are good for health, they do contain more sugar so eat more vegetables than fruit.

Here are my top 3 tips to up your fruit & vegetables intake:

  1. Make a smoothie to make it easy way to up your intake. Choose your fruit (e.g. blueberries + banana) + half a cucumber + big handful of spinach + avocado + few mint leaves + water.

  2. Swap your sugary afternoon snack to chopped vegetables (celery, cucumber, peppers), pop into a ziplock bag & take to work. Add some hummus to make a delicious snack!

  3. For dinner, chop plenty vegetables such as aubergine, carrots, courgette, celery, peppers and peas & add chopped tomatoes to make a sauce. Serve with wholegrain pasta, rice or quinoa.


Summer Tips

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We've already had some record breaking hot weather here in Amsterdam and there is more to come! Here are some of my favourite ways to keep cool & healthy.

  • Drink plenty fluids! Water and try home-made ice tea; see my green ice-tea recipe: https://www.facebook.com/sannasumnernutrition/videos/641656546302915/

  • Eat water-rich foods such as cucumber (snack on cucumber sticks & hummus or add to water with mint), tomatoes, watermelon, oranges, broccoli, blueberries

  • Less alcohol as it's extremely dehydrating

  • Exercise in the morning.

Strawberry & watermelon Ice-lollies

2 handfuls of strawberries
2 handfuls of watermelon
2 tsp of organic honey

Blend all ingredients together and pour into ice-cream moulds. Freeze 3-4 hours & enjoy!

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Boost Your Energy Naturally


January is here and many of us are back at work today. Feeling tired and overstretched after the holidays?  Think twice before reaching for sugary snack or too many cups of coffee to help you get through the day.  Too much caffeine and sugar make you more tired and wired. 

Here are my 3 top tips for boosting energy:

  1. Eat protein-rich breakfast for example oatmeal + mix of seeds + blueberries or scrambled eggs + spinach. These balance your blood sugar, keeping you energised longer.

  2. Go for a walk after lunch.  Exercising improves your mood & reduces stress as well as can help with digestion. 

  3. Sleep more.  A study suggests that getting one extra hour of sleep each night can boost energy levels as well as increase your mood.

If you are looking for more energy in your daily life, join my 21-Day Ultimate Energy programme starting on Monday 21 January.  I show you how consuming delicious food can stop those energy crashes, put an end to sugar cravings and improve your focus & mood. I help you to discover how easily you can feel good, have a clearer mind, and be happier. http://sannasumner.com/products/21-day-ultimate-energy-programme